A Pulpotomy vs A Pulpectomy

A Pulpotomy vs A Pulpectomy

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Dental pulp is needed for a healthy smile. What happens when a person’s dental pulp gets infected or causes them pain? Patients can either get treated with a pulpotomy or a pulpectomy in New York, NY. In order for patients to choose the right procedure for their needs, it is important for them to know the difference between a pulpotomy and a pulpectomy.

Both of these procedures are performed on teeth with infected or damaged pulp. This blog article will explain the differences between a pulpotomy and a pulpectomy, as well as provide an overview of what to expect during each procedure.

When Would I Need A Pulpotomy Or A Pulpectomy Procedure?

Tooth decay is a common, preventable disease that attacks the tooth enamel which protects the teeth. Bacteria found in plaque on the teeth feed on sugars and produce acids that can erode enamel, leading to cavities. If not treated properly, it can cause severe dental pain and lead to more serious issues such as an infection of the pulp of the tooth. A pulpotomy or pulpectomy are possible solutions for treating advanced cases of decay or infected teeth.

What Is A Pulpotomy In New York, NY?

A pulpotomy is a type of root canal therapy performed on primary teeth, also known as baby teeth, to preserve the diseased or damaged pulp tissue, prevent pain and swelling, and essentially prevent the tooth from getting extracted.

The purpose of a pulpotomy is to treat tooth pain caused by exposed dentin (tissue inside the tooth) due to the loss of the soft, inner layer of the tooth called pulp tissue. Pulp tissue is what contains the blood vessels and nerves in a tooth. It also contains living cells that produce the natural teeth’s protective substance called dentin. If the pulp is exposed, these living cells can be destroyed by bacteria and the dentin will no longer be able to form.

This procedure involves removing any bacteria-infected pulp tissue from within a tooth before filling it with a material designed to protect it from further damage and restore it back to normal function.

What Is A Pulpectomy In New York, NY?

A pulpectomy is performed for severely infected primary teeth. Pulpectomy’s clean the entire root canal to protect it from getting infected further. A pulpectomy prevents a tooth from getting extracted.

During a pulpectomy procedure, the diseased pulp tissue can be completely removed from both the crown and the roots. After the canals are cleansed and disinfected, the primary teeth can be filled with a resorbable material.

We Can Treat You With A Pulpotomy Or A Pulpectomy

Whether patients choose a pulpotomy or a pulpectomy in New York, NY, they are great ways to preserve a patient’s tooth or teeth. Ready to get treated with a pulpotomy or a pulpectomy? We can help you. Get in contact with Dr. Mahua Bose Pillai at Advanced Endodontics of New York to schedule an appointment today!

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