Root Canal Treatment - New York, NY

Treating the Root of the Matter Saves Teeth

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Dr. Pillai in front of art wall in the office

Dr. Bose

Why Do People Think Root Canals Hurt So Much?

Pain-Free Treatment to Alleviate Tooth Pain

About 15 million teeth are saved every year with root canal treatment. A root canal is necessary when the pulp of a tooth becomes inflamed or infected. If pulp infection is left untreated, this can cause severe pain and/or lead to an abscess. While the perception that root canals are painful began decades ago, advances in dental technology have resulted in root canals that are no more uncomfortable than having a cavity filled. 

At Advanced Endodontics of New York, we strive to change what patients think about root canal treatment by using technologies that enable a painless approach while also alleviating dental anxiety. During a root canal in our New York, NY office, our highly skilled endodontist Dr. Bose removes the infected pulp and nerve in your tooth root, cleans and shapes the inside of the root canal, then fills and seals the space.

GentleWave Machine

The GentleWave® Procedure

An Alternative to Standard Root Canal Treatment

Advanced Technology Ensures Optimal Outcomes

At Advanced Endodontics of New York, we believe in using innovative endodontics in New York, NY to benefit our patients, such as micro-endoscopy and the GentleWave® Procedure. In fact, we’re one of only two practices in NYC to use groundbreaking GentleWave technology, which requires specific training and certification. Special operating microscopes enable our endodontist to see tiny details inside a tooth that guide more accurate treatment.

The GentleWave Procedure is a minimally invasive state-of-the-art protocol to access the infected root canal system. The protocol enables the preservation of more of the natural tooth, thereby helping the tooth structure remain strong. Using GentleWave, Dr. Bose and Dr. Ganik can typically clean and fill the tooth in just one visit, compared to the several appointments required with standard root canal therapy. Thorough debridement of the tooth is essential when performing root canal treatment to prevent the need for root canal retreatment or an apicoectomy. In our experience, GentleWave provides the most predictable method for thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting complex internal anatomies.

GentleWave Provider Badge

Changing how patients think about root
canal treatments.

Root Canal Treatments: Real People, Real Stories.

We are proud to offer state-of-the-art technology with the GentleWave® Procedure.

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Root Canal Anatomy

To understand what happens during a root canal in New York, NY, it helps to have basic knowledge of the impacted oral anatomy. The pathway that runs straight down through the root of your tooth that consists of the nerve and blood vessels is known as the root canal. The root canal system includes the pulp chamber and root canal space. In normal teeth, the pulp chamber is located inside the anatomic crown (tooth) beneath the white outer enamel and dentin. The roots are covered in a substance called cementum that helps attach teeth to the surrounding alveolar bone (the bone that supports your teeth) via the periodontal ligament. When the pulp chamber is normal, it resembles the shape of the crown surface. Pulp is the softest layer of the tooth and contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue essential to the production of dentin as the tooth develops. Dentin is the second layer, and is made of calcified, living tissue that continues growing throughout the life of a tooth.
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The Out-of-Sight, Essential Tooth Root

A tooth root comprises the lower two-thirds of your tooth and serves to anchor it in position and keep your jawbone healthy. The root canal space is located below the pulp chamber in what is called the radicular portion of the tooth. The end tip of the tooth root is called the apex. Root canals can be round, oval, long oval, flattened or irregular. In most people, incisors, canines and premolars have one root, while molars have two or three, each of which can get infected. Due to the complex branching of nerves, most teeth have an intricate internal anatomy. Endodontists are the right choice to handle your root canal treatment because they have specialized advanced training.

Signs You Need a Root Canal

Dr. Pillai in front of xrays on a monitor

Dr. Bose

Ignoring Tooth Pain Can Lead
To Something More Serious! Here’s Why
dental cavity graphic

Underlying Reasons Why You Need a Root Canal

Causes of inflammation or infection in dental pulp include deep decay due to untreated cavities, repeated dental restorations or cracked/chipped teeth. Tooth trauma can result in pulp damage without visible chips or cracks to the enamel. Trauma can also cause nerves and blood vessels to deaden when blood fails to properly flow to these areas. The infection of the pulp is called pulpal necrosis. Bacteria from an infection can be carried by the blood vessels deep inside your tooth root. The clinical term for inflammation of the dental pulp is pulpitis. While the principal symptom is pain, diagnosis is based on clinical findings, as well as digital X-rays and pulp vitality tests. Treatment involves removing decay, restoring the damaged tooth, root canal therapy or tooth extraction.

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Dedicated to Painless Root Canals

When pulp inside your tooth root becomes infected, the pulp and bacteria must be removed to save your tooth, oral health and overall health. During a root canal at Advanced Endodontics of New York, NY, our endodontist first numbs the treatment site with a local anesthetic. If you suffer from dental anxiety or need additional sedation, we offer diverse sedation options. Either way, you won’t feel any pain, although you may experience slight pressure as we complete the procedure. We drill a small hole in your tooth crown to gain access to the pulp chamber and carefully clean out all the bacteria and infected pulp and tissues. Then we fill and seal the end with a rubberlike material called gutta-percha. Afterward, the tooth is restored with a crown or filling to protect it and restore normal function. We accept many insurance plans and offer third-party financing to ensure your treatment is both painless and affordable.

Woman root canal patient inside smiling with her tea

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

When our endodontist performs a root canal in New York, NY, this will enable you to live a comfortable and functional life free of tooth pain. The benefits of root canal treatment include:

How to Prevent Root Canals

The best way to prevent a root canal is to practice good oral hygiene, avoid hard food that can crack teeth, and protect your teeth when playing sports. Follow these additional precautions:

Consequences of Untreated Pulp Inflammation

Infected tooth pulp will not heal on its own, and will only get worse. Although the pain may disappear and you may think the infection has healed, this is actually a signal that the nerves inside your tooth have died. Although the pain subsided, the infection is still present inside your tooth, and the only treatment option other than a root canal is tooth extraction. If you forgo either treatment, a bacterial infection can spread to your jaw, brain, blood, and possibly the rest of your body. The consequences can be serious, and even fatal!
dental patient with tooth-pain
Dr. Pillai out in NYC
Who Needs a Root Canal

No Reason to Fear. Experience Pain Free Endodontics at Advanced Endodontics of New York!

Schedule a painless appointment at Advanced Endodontics of New York in New York, NY and save your smile.

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